Hello Ladies,
Today in this edition of Closet Talk with Candy I hope to be an encouragement, even an inspiration, as I share my life changing journey currently underway.
Over the past 3 years I have unsuccessfully battled my weight as never before and no matter what I did, I could not successfully lose weight. My weight and size had become overwhelming and was spiraling out of control. To be honest, the more I contemplated losing the weight, the more challenging it became to choose healthy food. Even stress from thinking about the commitment of weight loss caused me to bury myself deeper into the idea that I was not capable to accomplish my weight loss goals.
Moreover, I was consumed with the possibility that I would never possess the ability to lose the weight. However, there was always a tugging and pulling on my heart to not give up. I knew it was possible for people to lose weight, I have witnessed several people do it and hearing other's stories of weight loss was always encouraging, but it was imperative I figure out an option that helped me! Even though the lazy undedicated part of myself wanted to not worry about my health or weight, the strong, courageous, brave and optimistic inner women cried out for help.
Jen and I believe in Jesus and the power of prayer in His name, so I was even praying on this matter throughout 2018. In fact, I had gone as far as confessing my food addiction faults to the congregation at my church and asking for prayer to beat this issue that was taking over my life. (“confess your faults one to another”James 5:16) Nothing is below a woman in desperation, not even admitting your addicted to food to the body of Christ. Now, this may sound insane, maybe to some, but I was eager and desperate to obtain immediate results I could be proud of.
After months of tries and fails… repeat… I decided that weight loss surgery was the path I needed to take, not be skinny, but to help obtain control over my eating habits and to retrain me to choose a positive decision about what I put in my body. There did not appear to be another option given the fact that I did not feel strong enough to conquer the poor decisions I was making surrounding food. I could not comprehend how I was able to escape to this situation. At this point, I felt like prayer was not working, so surgery was necessary, but I was incorrect.
Around the beginning of October, my roommate embarked on the lifestyle of Keto and began informing me of its benefits. I will admit it sparked my interest, however, I told her it wasn't for me, since, I knew I could NEVER give up “my” bread. Little did I know that God was laying out a path that would not only give me the strength to give up bread, but also free me from being addicted to food and unhealthy decisions surrounding what I put in my body and called food. God had begun setting the stage to excel me in this area like never before.
Once I saw my roommate’s dedication and seriousness about Keto, I felt compelled to not have a ton of temptations around the house so I started shopping differently over the next couple of weeks. Then the kicker happened. At the company I work for, we had just hired 2 ladies in my department, one who had been on Keto for 4 months at that point and another who was determined to lose weight and be back in shape. One day the lady that wanted to lose weight was convinced that Keto was a promising choice and issued a challenge to myself and another co-worker to do a Keto Kick-start; of course I accepted, why not? After day one of Keto Kick-start, I felt so amazing and began to conceive a Keto lifestyle was truly achievable, but I was not fully convinced Keto was actually able to change my life or that I could keep myself motivated over a long span of time.
Sure enough, God was still working and set my feet ablaze. When my roommate started having significant changes in her health I was compelled to give it all I had. By the time my roommate was 3 weeks in to Keto, blood flow was returning to her legs that had been purple from poor circulation for the past 5 years I have known her. In fact, her body started taking on a different shape as the weight began to fall off. Observing her transformation encouraged me to hang on and give it everything I had.
As I write this blog it has been 2 in a half months (October 30, 2018) I chose Keto as my way out. I do not miss overindulging on food or snacks, and I do not struggle when making the right choice. Throwing away my bun has become natural when eating at fast food restaurants as well as craving food that is healthy and nutritious. Now, when I eat, I feel amazing. Just last week we bought a scale so I can start keeping track of the pounds that are coming off. So far I have lost 4 inches in my hips and 4 in my waist. I have defeated 2 buckets of trick or treat candy, not to mention surviving not 1 but 2 Thanksgiving dinners and my birthday.
At this point, I have put off weight loss surgery, undoubtedly I believe Keto is the answer God gave me when I prayed for His help. I am still at the beginning of my weight loss journey, but eating Keto is a game changer and life commitment for me. Perfection is not something I have accomplished; determination and discipline are qualities I lacked concerning my diet, but today I confidently prevail in these areas of weakness. Subsequently, I know my strength has come from God and I am more than excited about where my life is headed. I am incredibly thankful to God that He has given me the ability to win the battle against my weight.