Hello Ladies,

Today is a big day for Beyond Her Measure and I am so thrilled to share with you the launch of our blog series, Closet Talk with Candy.  We hope that you find Closet Talk with Candy encouraging and informative as Jen and I take you on some of our personal journeys.

We encourage you to stay up to date by liking us on Facebook @Beyond Her Measure and also requesting to join our Facebook group @Beyond Her Measure Boutique Regular and Plus Size Clothing.  It is our goal to publish a new issue of Closet Talk with Candy every Monday.

We titled our blog “Closet Talk with Candy” because as women we have the ability to keep emotional things hidden or tucked away just as we do with items in our closets.  Much like our closets, our hearts (souls) become full of things, and just as we do with our natural closet, we need to purge, share, or even just organize, the items in our heart's closet.  Other times we add new and exciting things in our closets. New items could be a nugget of knowledge or encouragement that lifts us up and makes our hearts whole or complete.

There are many analogies I have discovered between our heart's closet and natural closets.  My favorite has to do with the seasons. Being from Ohio we traditionally have four seasons and during each season it is necessary to evaluate our wardrobe to make sure we are prepared for the upcoming season. When I thought about this I reflected on how we should also evaluate our emotional and even our spiritual closets from time to time. Not everything we have tucked away in the closets of our hearts is essential for every single season that we may experience.  With that being said, just like we put certain items aside until the next season, we have items in our heart that we ought to do the same with.

Things that we talk about in Closet Talk with Candy may not be actual items in a wardrobe, rather,  they are characteristics which we wear and reflect who we are. In hindsight, they may actually be more important than any garment we ever put on. Getting to the Core of ourselves and being pleased with what we see in the mirror is the very heart cry of Beyond Her Measure.  Embracing ourselves not because of what we are wearing, but because of who we are. An outfit can make you look beautiful, however, encouragement, confidence, and friendship will cause you to believe it.

God bless you and Thank you for tuning in to Closet Talk with Candy.


Jen Williams

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